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The Sands of Time

posted on 24 January 2014 | posted in Blog

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the older you get the less time you seem to have.

Pay day takes forever to arrive, yet library books seem due back mere days after they have been taken out.

And here we are almost at the end of January 2014 and I realise my blogs during 2013 were noticeably absent.

So – here's where my time went last year:

27 separate craft fairs – many of two or three days.

Lots of jewellery repairs, including some fabulous vintage amber jewellery for one lady.amber

Lots of commission jewellery, especially for an author client writing a book on emeralds. My next blog will be a review of his book.

Lots of ideas for beadwork and new jewellery designs.

Family time. Young granddaughters on the one hand, elderly parents on the other. We are the squeezed middle! But blessed by having such a lovely family.seaside

Meetings,meetings, meetings. For all of the organisations in our town with which I am involved. And fingers crossed we shall have a beautiful new town centre by spring, once all of the roadworks are completed.

And –exciting – I completed a silversmithing course. Meaning I shall be making an acquaintance with the Assay office later this year – once I have made sufficient rings, pendants, bangles (oh, a whole new world has opened up!) to send off.

christmas presentsThen, suddenly, it was Christmas!

And here we go again in 2014 with deposits sent off the craft fairs I shall be doing this year...


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